Ik loop dit jaar voor de 10e keer mee met de nacht van de vluchteling.
40 km. door de nacht van Utrecht naar Amersfoort op 14 en 15 juni 2025.
Help mij helpen en doneer.


Getting Started

Welcome to Gantry 5 featuring Hydrogen, the first theme built on the Gantry 5 framework. If you want to get started, the best way is to navigate to the Gantry Administrator via your platform's Administration panel.

Once you are in the Gantry 5 Administrator, you will be able to edit virtually every aspect of your site from its Layout to its Style. You can even refine how the menus appear using Gantry 5’s new Menu Editor.

You can set different style preferences for different pages, and have them assigned accordingly using the Assignments administrative panel.

Look for more information on Gantry 5 in our documentation, and stay tuned to the RocketTheme Blog for more information on new features and development updates as development continues.

Learn More

How to Contribute

Thank you for using Gantry 5 and the Hydrogen theme. We welcome you to contribute to the project by submitting bug reports through GitHub, and/or submit your own code changes to the Gantry 5 project for consideration.

Gantry 5 on GitHub

If you would like to assist in creating documentation for Gantry 5, you can do so through the Gantry 5 Documentation project on GitHub.

Gantry Docs on GitHub

Once again, thank you for participating. We hope you enjoy testing Gantry 5 every bit as much as we have enjoyed creating it.

zondag, februari 09, 2025 Frans Blog 38
En hier de inhoud van het testartikel etc.
dinsdag, februari 11, 2025 admin Help 44
Workflows bepalen de fases die artikelen moeten doorlopen tot ze gepubliceerd zijn. De component om workflows te beheren is niet standaard ingeschakeld. Om de workflow te zien die we hebben verstrekt via de voorbeeldgegevens, moet deze functie eerst ingeschakeld. Ga naar het beheerdeel Zet via 'Inhoud' > 'Artikelen' > 'Opties' > 'Integratie' tabblad, het veld 'Workflow inschakelen' op 'Ja' Sla de wijzigingen op Wanneer nu weer naar 'Inhoud' wordt gegaan, dan ziet men de sectie 'Workflows'. Wanneer een artikel wordt bewerkt, ziet men ook de nieuwe fases voor artikelen die gerelateerd zijn aan workflows.

Key Features

Gantry 5 is packed full of features created to empower the development of designs into fully functional layouts with the absolute minimum effort and fuss

Twig Templating

Gantry 5 leverages the power of Twig to make creating powerful, dynamic themes quick and easy.

Layout Manager

Drag-and-drop functionality gives you the power to place content blocks, resize them, and configure their unique settings in seconds.

Particles System

Create, configure, and manage content blocks as well as special features and functionality with the powerful particle system.